I got myself a nice starter kit from skypang.co.uk. The kit contains a plastic case for the RasPi along with a breadboard. The kit also contained connecting wires, 2 switches, a few LED lights and resistors.
My first crack at using the GPIO pins on the Raspi was with implementing tuxx crossing. As soon as I set up the first LED, I realised I could recycle some of the components from Siddharth's broken toys. There was a sword which we bought for haloween about 2 years ago. It had a speaker built in which made the sound of clashing swords as the press of a button. In the last play fight Siddharth had with the sword, the plastic blade had snapped and the sword had lost all interest for Siddharth. The speakers I extracted from the sword turned out to be suitable for use with the RasPi.
The project consists of an executable which can set/unset a pin or also read from it. This was used in conjunction with a shell script to write a Traffic Crossing system.
Here is the system in action.
The speakers are a nice touch and the entire system now mimics a Pelican Crossing quiet accurately.